Additional References:
Bass A.H. and Baker R. (1990). Sexual dimorphisms in the vocal control system of a teleost fish: Morphology of physiologically identified cells. Journal of Neurobiology 21:1155-1168.
Bass A.H. and Baker R. (1991). Evolution of homologous vocal control traits. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 38:240-254. PMID: 1777806
Bass, A. H., Bodnar, D. A., & Marchaterre, M. A. (2000). Midbrain acoustic circuitry in a vocalizing fish. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 419(4), 505-531.
Bodnar, D.A and A.H. Bass (1997) Temporal coding of concurrent acoustic signals in auditory midbrain. Journal of Neuroscience 17: 7553-7564.
Bodnar D A and A. H. Bass (1999) A midbrain combinatorial code for temporal and spectral information in concurrent acoustic signals. Journal of Neurophysiology 81: 552-563.
Bodnar, D. A. and A. H. Bass (2001) The coding of concurrent vocal signals by the auditory midbrain: The effects of stimulus level and depth of modulation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 109: 809-825.
Bodnar, D. A. and A. H. Bass (2001) Coding of concurrent signals by the auditory midbrain: effects of duration. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 187:381-391.
Bose, A. P. H., K. M. Cogliati, N. Luymes, A. H. Bass, M. A. Marchaterre, J. A. Sisneros, B. M. Bolker, S. Balshine (2018) Phenotypic traits and resource quality as factors affecting male reproductive success in toadfish. Behavioral Ecology 29: 496–507. doi:10.1093/beheco/ary002
Chagnaud, B., M. C. Zee, R. Baker, and A. H. Bass (2012) Innovations in motoneuron synchrony drive rapid temporal modulations in vertebrate acoustic signaling. Journal of Neurophysiology 107:3528-3542. (cover article) doi: 10.1152/jn.00030.2012.
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Chagnaud, B. P. and A. H. Bass (2014) Vocal behavior and vocal central pattern generator organization diverge among toadfishes. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 84: 51-65. doi:10.1159/000362916
Feng, N. Y., D. J. Fergus and A. H. Bass (2015) Neural transcriptome reveals molecular mechanisms for temporal control of vocalization across multiple timescales. BMC Genomics 16:408 doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1577-2.
Fergus, D. J., N. Y. Feng and A. H. Bass (2015) Gene expression underlying enhanced, steroid-dependent auditory sensitivity of hair cell epithelium in a vocal fish. BMC Genomics 16:782. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1940-3.
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Kittelberger, J. M., B. R. Land and A. H. Bass (2006) The midbrain periaqueductal gray and vocal patterning in a teleost fish. Journal of Neurophysiology 96:71-85. doi:10.1152/jn.00067.2006
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McIver, E., Marchaterre, M. A., Rice, A. N. and Bass, A. H. (2014) Novel underwater soundscape: acoustic repertoire of plainfin midshipman fish. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 2377-2389. doi: 10.1242/jeb.102772.
McKibben JR and A. H. Bass (1999) Peripheral encoding of behaviorally relevant acoustic signals in a vocal fish: Single tones. Journal of Comparative Physiology 184: 563-576.
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Tripp, J. A., N. Y. Feng, A. H. Bass (2018) Behavioral tactic more strongly predicts preoptic-hypothalamic gene expression than developmental morph in a fish with alternative reproductive tactics. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 285 (1871): 20172742
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