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Midshipman-based Lesson Plans and Learning Software
Downloads in OpenDocument (ODF) format or Microsoft Office format (MSOffice)
[ODF format works well with LibreOffice, OpenOffice, and GoogleDocs. MSOffice format works well with Microsoft Office products.]
Midshipman Project Summary - (ODF, MSOffice)
RUBRIC for Midshipman Worksheets - (ODF, MSOffice)
Lesson Plan A- Scientific Method with Midshipman - (ODF, MSOffice)
Midhipman Worksheet for Scientific Method - (ODF, MSOffice)
Lesson Plan B- Graphing with Midshipman - (ODF, MSOffice)
Midshipman- GSI Worksheet for Graphing Practice - (ODF, MSOffice)
Lesson Plan C- ImageJ and Graphing with Midshipman - (ODF, MSOffice)
Midshipman ImageJ Graph C - (ODF, MSOffice, Images.ZIP)
ImageJ Analysis Tools Plugin for Students - (Plugin.ZIP, Installation.TXT)
Student Documentation for ImageJ Plugin - (PDF)
Midshipman Vocalization Interactive Tutorial (developed by Lane Seeley, Seattle Pacific University) - (Powerpoint slides - pptx)
Midshipman lesson plans were created by Alvina Rahman, Bronx Haven High School. The ImageJ plugin and documentation were developed by Miky Timothy, CUNY Brooklyn College.
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